All data enthusiasts: data scientists and practitioners, students, researchers, representatives from both private and public sector, that work to improve the aquaculture, fisheries, marine and environmental management, or develop ICT solutions for environmental and socio economics are invited to join the datathon co-organised by the RDA-Europe and BlueBRIDGE from June 15 to 16, 2017, in Heraklion, Crete, Greece. The event is kindly hosted by the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR).
During the 2-day datathon the participants will brainstorm on the following challenges:
* Developing a holistic approach to spatial planning for marine protected areas based on knowledge transfer and integration
* Assessing new fisheries and aquaculture activities and mainstreaming environmental and socioeconomic indicators
* Incorporating socio-economic and environmental data in aquaculture assessment, strategic planning and performance analysis
The challenge is to fuel new thinking in the holistic analysis of satellite, environmental, biological and socio economic data and the interactions between fisheries, aquaculture and the marine spatial planning. Copernicus, EMODnet, BlueBRIDGE, FAO, Eurostat, Natura2000 are among the relevant datasets that will be made available.
The expected outcome will include a vision to cope with a wide range of topics in the planning processes that include EU data services and follow EU Directives:
• How to fit aquaculture sites in the local natural and human seascapes?
• What are the common data needs for aquaculture and marine spatial planning?
• What are the perceived data gaps, and how can these be filled?
• How to factor in future impacts such as climate change and nutrient pollution?
The event is of particular interest for students, master students, PhD students, post docs, early career researchers, SMEs, scientists and experts from start-ups.
Join this data-focused datathon to apply your knowledge, challenge yourself in the hands-on competition and gain new skills! Prizes are also included!
Registration to the Datathon is free of charge but required.
For more see:
Also, you can see the invitation in pdf here :