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List of courses

The courses of the Computer Science Department are designated with the letters "CS" followed by three decimal digits. The first digit denotes the year of study during which students are expected to enroll in the course; the second digit denotes the area of computer science to which the course belongs.

First Digit Advised Year of Enrollment
1,2,3,4 First, Second, Third and Fourth year
5,6 Graduate courses
7,8,9 Specialized topics
Second Digit Computer Science Area
0 Introductory - General
1 Background (Mathematics, Physics)
2 Hardware Systems
3 Networks and Telecommunication
4,5 Software Systems
6 Information Systems
7 Computer Vision and Robotics
8 Algorithms and Theory of Computation
9 Special Projects

The following pages contain tables (one for each course category) summarizing courses offered by the undergraduate studies program of the Computer Science Department at the University of Crete. Courses with code-names beginning with "MATH" or "PHYS" are taught by the Mathematics Department and Physics Department respectively at the University of Crete.

Core Courses
Code Course Name ECTS Prerequisites Suggested
CS-100 Introduction to Computer Science 8 ---
CS-108 English I 4 -
CS-109 English II 4 CS-108
CS-110 Calculus I 8 -
CS-118 Discrete Mathematics 6 -
CS-119 Linear Algebra 6 -
CS-120 Digital Design 8 -
CS-150 Programming 8 -
CS-180 Logic 6 -
CS-208 English III 4 CS-109
CS-209 English IV 4 CS-208
CS-215 Applied Mathematics for Engineers 8 CS-110
CS-217 Probability 6 CS-110 or MATH-102
CS-225 Computer Organization 8 CS-120
CS-240 Data Structures 8 CS-100 ή CS-150 CS-118
CS-252 Object-Oriented Programming 8 CS-100 or CS-150
CS-255 Software Technology Laboratory 6 CS-150 or CS-100
CS-280 Theory of Computation 6 -
CS-335 Computer Networks 6 CS-118 or CS-217
CS-340 Languages and Compilers 8 CS-280 or CS-240 or CS-255 CS-225
CS-345 Operating Systems 8 CS-240 or CS-255 CS-225
CS-360 Files and Databases 8 {CS-240 or CS-255} and {CS-118 or CS-180}
CS-380 Algorithms and Complexity 8 {CS-118 or CS-280} and CS-240
CS-498 Bachelor΄s Thesis 18 Successful completion of all core courses of the first four semesters
Elective Courses from Mathematics and Physics (Ε1)
Code Course Name ECTS Prerequisites Suggested
EMY-401 Optics and Waves 5
CS-111 Calculus II 6 CS-110
CS-112 Physics I 8 -
EMY-414 Laboratory for Computer Control and Automation of Measurement Systems 5 As in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering
CS-113 Physics II 6 --------------------
CS-121 Electronic Circuits 6 --------------------
CS-122 Introduction to Electronics 6 --------------------
MEM-106 Linear Algebra I 8 MEM-102 or CS-119
MEM-108 Calculus III 8 MEM-102 or CS-119 and MEM-105 or CS-111
MEM-202 Analytic Geometry 8 ---
MEM-203 Euclidean Geometry 8 ---
MEM-204 Number Theory 8 MEM-103 or CS-118
MEM-211 Analysis I 7 MEM-101 or CS-110
MEM-213 Complex Analysis 8 ---
MEM-221 Algebra I 8 MEM-102 or CS-119
MEM-223 Linear Algebra II 8 ΜΕΜ-106
MEM-224 Group Theory 8 MEM-221
MEM-231 Differential Geometry 8 MEM-102 or CS-119
MEM-233 Geometry 8 MEM-102 or CS-119
MEM-242 Set Theory 8 MEM-103 or CS-118
MEM-245 Introduction to cryptography 8 MEM-221
MEM-251 Numerical Analysis 8 MEM-101 or CS-110, MEM-102 or CS-119, CS-150
MEM-252 Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations 8 MEM-102 or CS-119, MEM-108, CS-150
MEM-253 Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations 8 MEM-102 or CS-119, MEM-108, CS-150
MEM-254 Numerical Linear Algebra 8 MEM-106, MEM-108, CS-150
MEM-255 Approximation Theory and Applications 8 MEM-106, MEM-211, CS-150
MEM-262 Parametrical Statistical Inference 8 MEM-101 or CS-110, MEM-102 or CS-119, MEM-261 or CS-217
MEM-264 Applied Statistics 8 MEM-101 or CS-110, MEM-102 or CS-119, MEM-261 or CS-217
MEM-271 Differential Equations 7 MEM-105 or CS-111
MEM-281 Theory of Fluids 8 MEM-108, MEM-271
MEM-282 Mathematical Modelling 8 MEM-106, MEM-108, MEM-271
MEM-284 Wave Propagation 8 MEM-108, MEM-271
MEM-293 Optimization Theory 8 MEM-102 or CS-119, MEM-105
MEM-297 Game Theory 8 MEM-251, MEM-271
PHYS-102 General Physics II 7 --
PHYS-103 Topics in Modern Physics I 3 ---
PHYS-201 Introduction to Modern Physics I 7 ---
PHYS-230 Astrophysics I 6 As in the Dept. of Physics
PHYS-371 Introduction to Microelectronics 6 ---
PHYS-273 Introduction to Semiconductors 6 ---
PHYS-277 Electron Microscopy 6 ---
PHYS-331 Astrophysics II 6
PHYS-338 Principles and Applications of Remote Sensing 6 ---
PHYS-361 Introduction to Optoelectronics - Photonics 6 ---
PHYS-374 Elements of Electronics 7 ---
PHYS-457 Mathematics of Finance I 6 ---
Elective Courses from Other Sciences (Ε2)
Code Course Name ECTS Prerequisites Suggested
PK1005 An Introduction to the Psychology of Entrepreneurial Behavior 6 - -
PK1007 Social entrepreneurship 6 - -
EMY-141 Introduction to Materials Science 5 ---
BIOL-205 Genetics Ι 6 ---
BIOL-207 Molecular Biology 6 ---
BIOL-315 Computational Biology 5 ---
BIOL-405 Applied Ecology and Management of Terrestrial Ecosystems 4 ---
BIOL-476 Analysis of Genetic Data 6 Οπως στο Τμήμα Βιολογίας
EMY-448 Biomedical Engineering 5 As in Dept. of Materials Science and Technology
ΜΕΜ-341 Economic Theory I 6
ΜΕΜ-342 Economic Theory II 6
ΜΕΜ-343 Entrepreneurship and Innovation 6 --- ---
MEM-344 International Mathematics 6 --------- ---------
OIK-1002 Macroeconomic Theory I 5,5 ---
OIK-1005 Microeconomic Theory I 5,5 ---
OIK-2003 Econometrics I 5,5 ---
PK1003 Corporate Strategy 6 - -
PK1004 Entrepreneurial Exploitation of Research Results and Intellectual Property 6 - -
PK1006 Strategic Management of Start-Ups 6 - -
SSE-101 Principles of Economy 6 ---
Networks and Telecommunications (Ε3)
Code Course Name ECTS Prerequisites Suggested
CS-330 Introduction to Telecommunication Theory 6 CS-217, CS-215
CS-370 Digital Signal Processing 6 CS-215 CS-111
CS-435 Network Technology & Programming Lab 6 CS-335
CS-436 Software Defined Networks (SDN) 6 CS-335
CS-439 Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing 6 CS-335
CS-474 Multimedia Technology 6 CS-215 CS-370, CS-217
Hardware and Computer Systems (Ε4)
Code Course Name ECTS Prerequisites Suggested
CS-220 Digital Circuits Lab 6 CS-120
CS-422 Introduction to VLSI Systems 6 CS-225 CS-121
CS-425 Computer Systems Architecture 6 CS-225
CS-428 Microprocessors and Peripherals Laboratory 6 CS-255 or CS-225
CS-446 Managed Runtime Systems 6 CS-252, CS-345
Software Systems and Applications (E5)
Code Course Name ECTS Prerequisites Suggested
CS-342 Parallel Programming 6 CS-252 or CS-255
CS-351 Information System Analysis and Design 6 CS-252 CS-352, CS-360
CS-352 Software Engineering 6 CS-252
CS-358 Computer Graphics 6 CS-240
CS-359 Web Programming 6 CS-252
CS-452 Introduction to the Science and Technology of Services 6 CS-345, CS-360 CS-359
CS-454 Development of Intelligent User Inrterfaces and Games 6 CS-255 CS-358
CS-455 Internet Attacks 6 CS-335, CS-345
CS-457 Introduction to Secure Systems 6 CS-150 CS-345, CS-335
CS-457.1 Digital Forensics 6 CS-345
CS-458 Introduction to Cryptography 6 CS-118, CS-240 CS-345
CS-459 Internet Measurement and Monitoring 6 CS-345
Information Systems (E6)
Code Course Name ECTS Prerequisites Suggested
CS-364 Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction 6 CS-150
CS-460 Database Management Systems 6 CS-360
CS-463 Information Retrieval Systems 6 CS-240
CS-468 Game Theory and Decision Making in Service Systems 6 CS-217, CS-317
CS-469 Modern Topics in Human-Computer Interaction 6 CS-364 CS-359
Computer Vision and Robotics (E7)
Code Course Name ECTS Prerequisites Suggested
CS-371 Digital Image Processing 6 CS-119 CS-110
CS-471 Image Analysis 6 CS-371
CS-472 Computer Vision 6 CS-371 CS-471
CS-473 Pattern Recognition 6 CS-217, CS-119 CS-215, CS-370
CS-475 Autonomous Robotic Navigation 6 CS-217, CS-119 CS-471
Algorithms and Computation Theory (E8)
Code Course Name ECTS Prerequisites Suggested
CS-317 Applied Random Processes 6 CS-217
CS-482 Algorithms in Bioinformatics 6 CS-380, CS-217, CS-119
CS-484 Complex Network Dynamics 6 CS-118, CS-240
CS-485 Data Science and Applications 6 CS-119, CS-150, CS-217
CS-486 Principles of Distributed Computing 6 CS-240 CS-225, CS-119
CS-487 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 6 CS-240, CS-180
Society and Informatics (E9)
Code Course Name ECTS Prerequisites Suggested
CS-408 Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship 6 The course has no prerequisites.
CS-409.1 New Venture Creation 6 The course has no prerequisites. CS-403, CS-408, CS-409
PK1003 Corporate Strategy 6 - -
PK1004 Entrepreneurial Exploitation of Research Results and Intellectual Property 6 - -
PK1006 Strategic Management of Start-Ups 6 - -
Free Elective Courses
Code Course Name ECTS Prerequisites Suggested
CS-303 Special Teaching Practice 6 CS-302
CS-499C Work Experience I (3 months) 6 As described in the lesson summary
CS-499Z Work Experience II (3 months) 6 As described in the lesson summary
V All other courses of the University of Crete As determined by the respective Department As the corresponding Department