Introduction to Mathematical Logic (propositional calculus, predicate calculus)
Introduction to Set Theory
Proofs (direct proofs, proof by contradiction, mathematical induction, pigeonhole principle)
Introduction to Number Theory
Relations (properties, equivalence relations, partial orders, total orders)
Binomial Coefficients
Introduction to Probability Theory
Introduction to Graph Theory
Whenever this course is not offered by the Computer Science Department, it is possible to substitute it by the Discrete Mathematics course offered by the Mathematics Department (ΜΑΘ-205).
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge: Having attended and succeeded in the course, the student is able to describe the definitions and properties of a variety of special types of discrete structures and manage them with mathematical rigor. Comprehension: Having attended and succeeded in the course, the student has succeeded in understanding, representing and analyzing various types of discrete structures using formal notations. Application: Having attended and succeeded in the course, the student is able to reuse existing knowledge and methodologies to solve a variety of mathematical and computational problems. Analysis: Having attended and succeeded in the course, the student is able to make a critical view of specific problems and perceive them as a synthesis of a series of individual subproblems. Synthesis: Having attended and succeeded in the course, the student is able to combine individual tools and methodologies in order to succeed in solving complex mathematical and computational problems and construct creatively, clearly and correctly, simple logical propositions and correct algorithms. Assessment: Having attended and succeeded in the course, the student is able to establish and prove the correctness of logical propositions.
Student Performance Evaluation
Specific details on grading can be found on the course’ s website
winter semester: hy118a AT csd DOT uoc DOT grShow email
spring semester: hy118b AT csd DOT uoc DOT grShow email
List of courses
The courses of the Computer Science Department are designated with the letters "CS" followed by three decimal digits. The first digit denotes the year of study during which students are expected to enroll in the course; the second digit denotes the area of computer science to which the course belongs.
First Digit
Advised Year of Enrollment
First, Second, Third and Fourth year
Graduate courses
Specialized topics
Second Digit
Computer Science Area
Introductory - General
Background (Mathematics, Physics)
Hardware Systems
Networks and Telecommunication
Software Systems
Information Systems
Computer Vision and Robotics
Algorithms and Theory of Computation
Special Projects
The following pages contain tables (one for each course category) summarizing courses offered by the undergraduate studies program of the Computer Science Department at the University of Crete. Courses with code-names beginning with "MATH" or "PHYS" are taught by the Mathematics Department and Physics Department respectively at the University of Crete.