CS-458: Introduction to Cryptography (Fall 2022)


This course provides an introduction to cryptography and the main types of primitives utilised in technical security mechanisms and security protocols embedded in widely used applications (web, messaging, data storage, etc.). It covers classical cryptosystems, private-key cryptosystems (including DES and AES), hashing and public-key cryptosystems (including RSA, Diffie Hellman and ECC). The course discusses application security requirements and how these can be matched to cryptographic primitive security properties. The course introduces the main principles for the correct application of cryptographic techniques and elaborates on generic and specific attacks targeting wrongly implemented or misconfigured applications.

Some of the topics we will cover in class:

Learning Objectives


The final grade is calculated as follows:


Instructor: Dr. Harry Manifavas

Lectures: Mon, Fri 12-2

Lab Hours: Thu 12-2 (You will be notified via email)

Location: A.125

Course Area: Software Systems and Applications (E5)

Course Credits: 6 ECTS



Related courses:

Course staff Email Office Office Hours
Instructor: Dr. Harry Manifavas harryman [at] ics.forth.gr TBA TBA
Teaching Assistant: Basha Skerdi sbash [at] csd.uoc.gr B210 TBA
Teaching Assistant: Kalochristianakis Dionisis dionkal [at] csd.uoc.gr B210 TBA

Course staff

Instr. Dr. Harry Manifavas (harryman)

T.A. Basha Skerdi (sbash)

T.A. Kalochristianakis Dionisis (dionkal)
