Currrent Teaching

  • Present 2015

    CS112 - Physics For Engineers

    This course offers an overview of Mechanics, Oscillation Theory, and Electromagnetics. The goal of the course is to teach undergraduate students to think critically and analytically, and obtain knowledge that will be useful for them in other, more advanced courses.

    See the course webpage for more information.

  • Present 2015

    CS215 - Signals and Systems

    This course is an introduction to the theory of signals and systems and its applications. The goal is to understand the role of mathematics and signal processing in information representation, extraction, and manipulation.

    See the course webpage for more information.

  • Present 2015

    CS370 - Digital Signal Processing

    This course offers fundamental knowledge on digital signal processing and its applications in image, speech, and audio processing. The goal is to develop an engineering viewpoint in practical problems of computer science.

    See the course webpage for more information.

    Lectures (in Greek) are available here or in a single [PDF].

    • Present 2015

      CS578 - Digital Speech Signal Processing

      As an invited lecturer

      This course offers an in-depth overview on digital speech signal processing and its applications. The goal is to obtain the fundamental knowledge on speech processing theory and apply it in MATLAB.

      See the course webpage for more information.

Teaching Portfolio

A teaching portfolio is a collection of documents, prepared for the purpose of applying for academic jobs and documenting professional developing in teaching. A teaching portfolio provides a record of

  • The ideas and objectives that inform your teaching
  • The courses that you teach or are prepared to teach
  • The methods you use in your teaching
  • Your effectiveness as a teacher
  • How you assess and improve your teaching

You can find my teaching portfolio here.


  • Present 2019

    Continuous and Discrete Time Signal Processing - Επεξεργασία Σήματος Συνεχούς και Διακριτού Χρόνου

    This book presents the fundamental principles of continuous and discrete time signal processing and system analysis in a simple and comprehensible way. Emphasis is given on intuitive analysis and iterpretation of its subjects, accompanied with mathematical rigor where necessary. Fourier, Laplace, and Z Transforms play a major role, along with LTI system analysis and their applications. Each chapter of the book emerges from the unsolved problems and requirements of previous chapters, thus providing a flow that helps the reader to grow the thinking skills of an engineer. The book contains a variety of images and figures while it includes many, carefully selected solved examples. Moreover, the reader can find a number of exercises at the end of each chapter. Finally, the theory is supported by selected implementations in MATLAB, while the source code of each example is provided in a dedicated webpage, along with supplementary files.