CS-558 Internet Systems
and Technologies

Spring 2022

Instructor:  Evangelos Markatos (markatos@csd.uoc.gr)
Course Credits:  6 ECTS
Prerequisites:  (CS-345) Operating Systems
Lecture Hours:  Monday & Wednesday, 16:00-18:00 (Online)
Laboratories Hours:  Friday 16:00-18:00 (Online)
Teleconference URL:   (Zoom)
Office Hours:  Monday 14:00-14:30
Mailing List:   hy558-list@csd.uoc.gr
Teaching Assistants:   Marchioro Thomas (marchiorot@csd.uoc.gr)
Kazlouski Andrei (andrei@csd.uoc.gr)
10K students


The course will cover papers which deal with Internet Systems and Technologies.
We will cover subjects related to networks, security, privacy, etc.