2015 Speech Processing Courses in Crete
Speech Synthesis: From Diphones to Modern Speech Synthesis Engines

27-31 July 2015    University of Crete, Heraklion, Crete, Greece


The school will be open to at most 50 qualified, motivated and pre-selected candidates to stimulate interaction among students and lecturers. PhD students, post-docs and researchers (both from industry and academia) are encouraged to apply. The application should include the personal data, brief motivation statement and the CV. Please send your application as a single PDF file to yannis@csd.uoc.gr .

The school fees are:

Student non-Student
Student: 300€
Non-student: 450€

The fee includes attendance at the courses, handling material, everyday lunch and coffee breaks, everyday bus transfer between hotel and school venue (UOC), and social events.

Download Registration Form

Please send the completed form along with the proof of payment to Yannis Stylianou: yannis@csd.uoc.gr