Course Information Greek Version
Instructor: Yannis Tzitzikas (email: tzitzik [at]
Office at CSD: G 111, Tel: 2810 393 523
Office hours at CSD: Wednesday 14:00-15:00 and Thursday 15:00-17:00, or by appointment.
Office at FORTH-ICS (ISL): G153, Tel: 2810 391 633
Teaching Assistant(s): Costas Vandikas, email: vandikas [at]
Yannis Theoharis, email: theohari [at]
Course Hours: Lectures:
Wednesday 19:00-21:00 (B211) & Friday 17:00-19:00 (RA 201)
Thursday 13:00-15:00 (B211)
Course Syllabus: Description
Course Attendance: Attendance of lectures is expected.
Credits: 4
Grading: total = (0,2 * homework) + (0,3 * project) + (0,5 * final)
To pass the course you need (total>5) AND (final>4)
Prerequisite: CS-240 - Data Structures
Course Enrollment: Everybody is obliged to send mail to: with content: subscribe hy463-list by the beginning of the lectures to enroll in the course's list.

  • Text Book:
  • Supplementary books:
    • [2] Information Retrieval, C.J. van Rijsbergen, Butterworths, 1979 (second edition). This (old but classical) book is no longer in print, but it is available online
    • [3] Finding Out About: Search Engine Technology from a cognitive Perspective, by Richard, K. Belew, Cambridge University Press, 2000. A free html version (but with no equations and figures) can be found here
    • [4] Information Storage and Retrieval, by Robert R. Korfhage, John Wiley & Sons, 1997