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Laptop connection

You can connect your laptop (with a wireless or wired network card) in the Gamma and Delta labs. The wired connection uses hubs that are exclusively for laptop and are found on benches in the centre of each room.


The following steps are required for the connection:


1) Activate your account in the Directory Access Protocol list (LDAP) according to the instructions of the previous paragraph. 


2) Set your computer for wireless connection in the network with SSID=ucnet-vpn and automatic reception of IP address.


3) Create a new PPTP VPN connection with the server (Step to be taken first time only)


4) Open the VPN connection and import personal user elements (Username - see NOTES below, Password) from the LDAP. 

As username for the VPN connection use (not the username only - e.g., for a username of "guest", you will use


The wireless/wired network for laptops serves all the University, therefore does not have "" as default domain . The machines of the Department should therefore be addressed to with their complete name. E.g.: 
- the putty session "milo" becomes "" 
- the printer \\didnt\laser208 becomes \\\laser208 
- the home directory z: \\didnt\users\... becomes \\\users\... 
- the mail server mailhost becomes
and so forth. 

Do not try to remove any stable computer from its place.